В Архангельске состоится поединок за Суперкубок России по хоккею с мячом, где встретятся команды «Водник» и «Кузбасс»
The main idea is that the "Водник" and "Кузбасс" teams will play for the Russian Supecup in bandy hockey. The match will be broadcast live and for free on the "Хоккей ТВ" channel on January 5th, 2024.
This is a significant event as it marks the first time "Водник" is participating in the Supercup, while "Кузбасс" looks to defend its title.
The main idea is that the "Водник" and "Кузбасс" teams will play for the Russian Supecup in bandy hockey. The match will be broadcast live and for free on the "Хоккей ТВ" channel on January 5th, 2024. ". This is a significant event as it marks the first time "Водник" is participating in the Supercup, while "Кузбасс" looks to defend its title.